Ride-sharing services, such as Uber and Lyft, have surged in popularity in the past several years. People all across the country, and the world, utilize ride-sharing services on a day-to-day basis to get where they need to go. Unfortunately, ride-sharing services are widely inaccessible to people with physical disabilities. Read on to learn about the complications with the Americans with Disabilities Act, accessibility, and ride-sharing services.
Keep Pushing: Parenting with a Disability
I am in the middle of a childcare transition. That means finding the best preschool for my son. As a Mom, my mind goes to a laundry list of criteria that I will be evaluating for each school--location, loving environment, learning philosophy, etc. As a Mom with a disability, this list expands--Can I get in the door!?!
Life After Spinal Cord Injury: What’s Next?
Sustaining a spinal cord injury changes your entire life in an instant. Losing mobility, sensation, and control of physical functions can be devastating, and can often lead newly injured people with spinal cord injuries into a depression. However, do not lose hope! Living with an SCI can be just as enjoyable and fulfilling as living life on two feet. With the right people, resources, and goals, you can find your purpose and find your way to happiness while living with a spinal cord injury.
Swimming Pool Lifts for People with Spinal Cord Injuries
For people with spinal cord injuries and other mobility disabilities, getting in and out of the pool safely can be nearly impossible without proper assistance. Luckily, pool lifts are now a requirement in most public pools and saunas under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Pool lifts are opening up a whole new part of life to those with disabilities, including those with spinal cord injuries: the chance to participate in pool-related activities with family, friends, and loved ones.
When I Call Myself Disabled
I was 16 years old when in one moment I was living my life as an able-bodied person and in the next moment was sitting in a hospital being told I would never walk again. That is when a doctor first called me disabled. I spent the next decade working off that label. Then it hit me...why was I working so hard to make everyone think I wasn’t disabled?
Day in the Life Video
Access: What Does it Mean?
A Holiday Encounter
Post-Injury Dance Video
Courtroom on Wheels
Since I am a #pushylawyer, it only seems appropriate to share my experiences while pushing around a courtroom. One of my more memorable moments as a newbie lawyer not only presented the opportunity to educate the judge and courtroom, but also educate me on how to not only be an advocate for my clients, but also for myself.